
Portuguese NIF

Initiate your online order and have your NIF delivered right to your living space.


Portuguese NIF effortlessly through our straightforward online application

Fast Delivery

Just fill out our digital application to initiate the process. Your Portuguese NIF should arrive within a 5-7 business day timeframe


We’ll provide regular updates at each stage of the process. For any queries, our email support is always available to assist you.

Getting a Portuguese NIF is easy; you only need two documents to start.

  • Valid Passport (or National ID card for EU citizens). Worldwide
  • Proof of address outside Portugal.

Obtain your NIF in just three simple steps.

Step 1

Submit Details

Finish the $139 payment and complete our digital application.

Step 2

Sign POA

Quickly authorize your Power of Attorney form to enable us to act on your behalf.

Step 3

Receive NIF

Your Portuguese NIF will be delivered to you, completing the streamlined process.

I was dreading the NIF paperwork, but Explore Tax made it so easy. Filled out the form, signed the POA, and got my NIF within a week—all without leaving my apartment. Highly recommend!

Sarah Williams – Freelance Graphic Designer

Frequent Questions

Which Nationalities Are Eligible for Explore Tax’s NIF Service?2023-08-25T21:18:36+00:00

Our NIF service is open to individuals of all nationalities.

How Can I Obtain a NIF for My Minor Child?2023-08-25T21:18:31+00:00

To secure a NIF for your child, complete the order form using your child’s information. For children under 18, extra documentation is required. Both parents must also authorize the Power of Attorney. For further information, please consult our guidelines.

Is Ongoing Fiscal Representation Available?2023-08-25T23:20:11+00:00

Yes, we do offer limited ongoing fiscal representation services. For an annual fee of €139 EUR, we’ll acquire your NIF and forward any communications from the tax office until you designate a new fiscal representative. For more details, explore our fiscal representation section.

Who Serves as My Fiscal Representative?2023-08-25T21:15:02+00:00

We pair you with a qualified Portuguese attorney who will act as your tax representative and facilitate the NIF application process for you.

What is the Timeline for Receiving My NIF?2023-08-25T21:13:19+00:00

Typically, the NIF is delivered within a 5-7 business day window. However, the timeframe may extend if the Tax Office is facing backlogs.

What is a NIF?2023-08-25T21:13:15+00:00

The NIF, or Número de Identificação Fiscal, serves as your tax identification number in Portugal. Essential for numerous daily tasks like setting up a bank account, securing a phone plan, or enrolling in health coverage, the NIF is also known as the Número de Contribuinte.


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